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Upcoming Events

Meetings for January and February will be held online via Zoom.

All other meetings will be held at the hall in Ashford unless otherwise specified.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Sunday, January 21st

Wild Orchids in the UK with Ian Hadingham, via Zoom for members and friends, plus virtual table show.

Sunday, February 18th

Orchid Care and Culture at Kew, presented by Bala Kompalli

Kew Orchid Collection

Sunday, March 24th

Spring Open Show, including Orchid sales by Laurence Hobbs Orchids, re-potting table, tombola, refreshments, companion plants and awards.

Exhibitors set up, 10:30am to 11:30am.

Open to public, 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

Show Poster

Sunday, April 21st

Orchid Auction, live in the hall, but also with telephone and commissioned bids (A catalogue will be produced nearer the time). Sell your surplus plants, add to your collection, or maybe do both.

Sunday, May 19th

Highlights of a Tour to Costa Rica …. showing orchids and other flora and fauna” presented by Christine Bartlett 

Sunday, June 23th

"Growing Orchids in a Terrarium", presented by Jacob Coles

Date changed to avoid clashing with

The International Orchid Show

at the NEC, Birmingham. 13th to 16th of June.

Sunday, July 21st

Papua New Guinea, the Native Orchids found there”, presented by John Wallace

Sunday, August 18th

A Q&A session.

Sunday, September 15th

AGM, awards and a short presentation.

Sunday, October 13th

Autumn Open Show, including Orchid sales by Laurence Hobbs Orchids (, re-potting table, tombola, refreshments and awards.

Exhibitors set up, 10:30am to 11:30am.

Open to public, 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

A change of date!

Further meetings will added later. We welcome your suggestions for events.
This is YOUR society and we want to hear from you about what you want to hear, what you want to do, what you would like to learn about, and where you would like to go. Yes, your society can even arrange outings if that is of interest!

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