Upcoming Events
Meetings for January and February will be held online via Zoom.
All other meetings will be held at the hall in Ashford unless otherwise specified.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Sunday, January 15th
David Mather will give a presentation on Orchids at the Mather Foundation in West Sussex, via Zoom for members and friends, plus virtual table show
Sunday, February 19th
Wild Orchid of Rhodes with Ian Haddingham, via Zoom for members and friends, plus virtual table show
Sunday, March 12th
Spring Open Show, including Orchid sales by Laurence Hobbs Orchids, re-potting table, tombola, refreshments and awards.
Exhibitors set up, 10:30am to 11:30am.
Open to public, 1:00pm to 4:00pm.
Sunday, April 16th
Orchid Auction, live in the hall, but also with commissioned bids, telephone bids, and perhaps live online. A great opportunity to sell your surplus plants and buy some others.
Sunday, May 21st
40th Birthday Celebration for SEOS with Guest Speaker Tom Hart-Dyke (https://www.tomhartdyke.co.uk/), plus table show, and maybe much more...
Sunday, June 11th
Graham South will be giving a presentation on Growing Orchids from seed.
Change of date to avoid the Malvern International Orchid Show (http://www.malvern-ios.org/)
Sunday, July 16th
Question Time - Sally Mill & Jacob Coles will answer questions on repotting, flowering, watering, feeding, propagating, and generally keeping your orchids healthy and happy. Bring along any problem plants questions or send your questions and photos in advance.
Sunday, August 13th
Jacob Coles will be giving a presentation on 30 Interesting Orchids, where to find them and how to grow them.
Sunday, September 17th
AGM and presentations. In addition, there will be a talk on "What Judges are Looking For".
Sunday, October 29th
A change of date!
Autumn Open Show, including Orchid sales by Laurence Hobbs Orchids (https://laurencehobbsorchids.co.uk/), re-potting table, tombola, refreshments and awards.
Exhibitors set up, 10:30am to 11:30am.
Open to public, 1:00pm to 4:00pm.
Sunday, November 19th
Orchid Auction (TBC), live in the hall, but also with commissioned bids and telephone bids. A great opportunity to sell your surplus plants and buy some others.
Sunday, December 10th
Members’ Christmas Social, with Orchid and Companion Plant Sales, a fun Quiz, Table Show, and of course FOOD!
(Free for members. A small charge for guests)
Earlier start time of 1:30pm.
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Further meetings will added later. We welcome your suggestions for events.
This is YOUR society and we want to hear from you about what you want to hear, what you want to do, what you would like to learn about, and where you would like to go. Yes, your society can even arrange outings if that is of interest!