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Events 2021

Due to COVID restrictions all meetings before August were being held on-line via Zoom. Owing to changes in restrictions meetings resumed at the hall in Ashford.

January 17th

"Show Us Your Orchids" will be an opportunity to show, and perhaps talk about, whatever you may happen to have in flower at present, and an opportunity for anyone who would welcome some advice with a problem plant.

February 21st

What Judges are Looking for - A presentation, with examples, by our show secretary and lead judge, Sally Mill.

March 21st

A Greenhouse Tour - A tour of a member's greenhouse. Bring your favourite orchid to the camera, chat, ask questions, answer questions, and catch up with your orchid growing SEOS friends

April 18th

Orchid Auction - Sell your surplus plants, or buy something new from our many experienced members. We need photos of each entry by 11th April for inclusion in the catalogue.

May 16th

A travelogue by Weng and Eileen Lim of their ventures and adventures in search of Flora and Fauna.

June 20th

Wild Orchid Safari in East Kent - we will be out and about in various orchid hotspots to show you what’s in flower from popular locations, and probably also from a few more secret places as well!

July 18th

A Greenhouse Safari - A tour of a member's orchid collection and greenhouse, via Zoom.

August 15th

A social gathering at the Ashford Railway Club's spacious hall. Table show, a fun quiz, time to catch-up with other members, refreshments and more. We kindly request face coverings are worn where possible.

September 19th

Your SEOS AGM. Members may also bring plants for sale.

October 17th

Autumn Open Show - including Orchid sales, re-potting table and awards.

November 21st

Mounting Orchids on Bark. A practical talk by two members - Members may also bring plants for sale.

December 5th

Christmas Social Event with table Show, and much more...

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